ON DEMAND – Soul to Soul Connection

ON DEMAND! - Learn a deep and soulful way to connect with both the living and those who have passed on into spirit. This class will help you explore your ability to communicate using our innate non-verbal skills.  When we connect with those we love – when we create soul to soul connections - we allow our loved ones to deepen the connection they have with us, and also the connection they have with the their own souls.
AWUG · March 29, 2024


This webinar will train you to discover your ability to connect and communicate with others on a higher level. Whether it’s a loving friend or family member or a loved one who is already in spirit, this is the class for you!

If you think about it, we are already able to communicate non-verbally; it might be through the tilt of your head or the look in your eye. Now we are able to take that method of communication to a whole new level.


  • Detailed overview of the method
  • Demonstration of  the technique
  • Guided Meditation
  • Group working of the technique
  • Students paired in break-out rooms to practice with each other
  • Extensive Q/A period to share with and learn from others’ experience


  • Expert training in all items listed above
  • A replay of the live event for future reference
  • Video of the guided meditation
  • Downloadable audio file of the guided meditation
  • Downloadable script of the guided meditation
  • Downloadable pdf of detailed class notes for future reference

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Course Content

About Instructor


Astro West Underground is proud to present our latest venture; our educational portal. Content and design approved by Anthony Russell, Director. Contact us at hello@awunderground.com for further information. To book an appointment for one of our services, please go to awunderground.com and see what we have to offer!

12 Courses

+5 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson