7-12-2023 Live Tarot Readings with Anthony Russell

Join Anthony Russell for a two hour live demonstration of his Tarot skills.  He will be taking questions from the live audience and doing rapid fire readings on any topic you wish him to investigate.  He shoots straight from the hip with no sugar coating, so be ready for anything!
AWUG · June 2, 2023

Manhattan native Anthony Russell began his professional career as a psychic and medium in 1968 at the age of 16. He began by practicing reading the tarot for himself in Central Park, and soon attracted a small local following of neighborhood residents, many of whom still call on him today along with their children and grandchildren.

He supported himself through his university and post-graduate degrees by reading tarot and sitting as a medium. He eventually went on to pursue a successful career in music composition, but always made time to see clients for readings no matter how hectic his schedule. After recovering from a serious illness in the 1990s, Anthony returned to working as a reader and medium to support himself. He now has a global clientele and has absolutely no plans to ever stop working.

About Instructor


Astro West Underground is proud to present our latest venture; our educational portal. Content and design approved by Anthony Russell, Director. Contact us at hello@awunderground.com for further information. To book an appointment for one of our services, please go to awunderground.com and see what we have to offer!

12 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson