
  • 3 Lessons

    ON DEMAND – Connecting With Crystals (Series)

    50% OFF!- reg $297, now $148.50 - Join Laurelle Rethke, best selling author of 'Connecting with Crystals' for this three module series that will teach you how to select, connect with, and be empowered by crystals to enhance your life
  • 1 Lesson

    ON DEMAND – How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Throughout The Year!

    JOIN US IN THIS LIVE WEBINAR that will help you keep your New Year's resolutions  and any other goals for the coming year.  We'll use the wisdom of the ancient Agrarian Calendar to plant our crops (hopes and desires) and see them through the coming year all the way to harvest.
  • 1 Lesson

    ON DEMAND – Imbolc: A Celtic Festival of Light

    Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, is a time to set goals, make promises and resolutions.  It is symbolic of the first stirrings of life in the frozen seeds that were planted in the autumn, and also represents the first stirrings of life in the commitments we make to improve ourselves.  Join us in this workshop which will share Imbolc lore, traditional customs and ceremonies and a guided meditation to empower you to renew your New Year's resolutions along with any other commitments you've made for the coming year.